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Weight Gaming is a NSFW community and thus all users (guests or members) must be at or over the age of 18. By creating an account you verify that you are 18 or over and accept that the admins or moderators can ban your account if it is revealed you are under the age of 18.
If you believe a user does not meet the minimum age requirements of Weight Gaming and are in violation of this rule please send a message with your proof to our staff for investigation.
Remember that the point of this wiki (and Weight Gaming as a whole) is to provide a place to document fetish games and fetish game development. Try to keep any content you post related to those topics, and make sure you post them in the right areas and properly link them so they can be easily found by other community members.
Please avoid spamming and posting content that is not relevant to the community or the use of a wiki over all. Remember that a wiki is for collectivly recording and sharing information. Anything topical or more related to debat/discussion should be done on the forum.
And always remember, if you have any questions feel free to ask the mod or admin team for clarification!
Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness. Please treat discussions here with the same respect as you would a public park. This place is meant for sharing resources and information with the community. While there will always be disagreements and differences in opinion please handle them responsibly.
It’s ok to voice your opinions but please be respectful of others as well. When interacting with other community members either directly or indirectly do so in a respectful manner. Don’t post anything that would be considered offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Respect each other by not harassing, griefing, impersonating people, or exposing their private information. Don’t create spam or otherwise vandalize the site.
If you feel someone is not behaving appropriately or see something particularly egregious that violates our rules, do not take it into your own hands. Contact the mod or admin team on the forums and we will handle it for you.
Remember, the moderators are here to help keep the peace. If you see something you think violates our rules or general community guidelines please reaport it to the mod or admin team. They will be happy to look into it further and handle it in a appropriate manner.
Remember that we have to comply with US law. Make sure any content you post to the site is legal within the US and appropriate for an adult NSFW fetish community.
A common pitfall is posting content about or relating to underaged characters. This can sometimes be hard to recognize if the character looks of +18 or was "aged up". While this may seem reasonable to some people, please keep in mind that in the US the law only really cares if:
If either of these is not true, the character is a no go.
Also, when using media that you do not own, make sure you have proper permissions and/or the license allows you to use it. Give proper citations and credit where appropriate.
If you see anything you think is not appropriate for the site or violates US law please notify the mod or admin team.
The same ToS for the forums applies to the wiki as well. Please see the ToS section on the forums for details.
Login to the wiki is currently restricted to only white listed members while we are working on the wiki. It will be opened up to all users with a Weight Gaming account once we feel its in a good enough place to do so.
Contact Grotlover2 and he will evaluate your request.